Championship night of rituals
Aufguss WM Qualification – Slovak round of the international competition
Harmónia Wellness & Spa Bešeňová: 26th – 28th May 2022
Slovak Sauna Ritual Championship under the auspices of the Bešeňová water park and the international AUFGUSS WM association is a unique event held in Slovakia and focused on professional sauna shows and themed-technical presentation of stories combined with aromatherapy and towel swirling techniques.
The Slovak qualification for AUFGUSS WM 2022 (world championships) takes place in the big Sauna Temple of Wellness & Spa Harmónia with the capacity for 100 people between 8:30pm and 2:00am.
Professional jury will be evaluating individual categories such as professionalism, overall impression, aromatherapy, theme and implementation of the story, costumes, emotions, waving techniques, show elements etc.
Súťažiaci na prvom mieste postupujú na medzinárodné finále Aufguss WM v holandskom Thermen Bussloo, súťažiaci, ktorí obsadili druhé miesot postupujú na Play offs do Bešeňovej kde budú mať začiatkom Septembra poslednú šancu zabojovať o účasť na Majstrovstvách sveta - AUFGUSS WM
Kategória SINGLE
Poradie | Saunamaster | Počet bodov |
1. | Marek Homza | 509,5 |
2. | J. C. Dora | 494,25 |
3. | Patrik Kuzemka | 480,5 |
4. | Matej Brtko | 456,75 |
5. | Martin Segiň | 343 |
6. | Anatolij Triffonov | 324,25 |
7. | Veronika Bujnová | 294,75 |
8. | Filip Stergerits | 258 |
9. | Lucia Halásová | 248,25 |
10. | Šimon Halás | 216,75 |
Kategória TEAM
Poradie | Saunamaster | Počet bodov |
1. | Patrik Kuzemka & Martin Segiň | 529,5 |
2. | J. C. Dora & Emma Chládková | 492,25 |
3. | Marek Homza & Matej Brtko | 469,25 |



Odborná medzinárodná porota
AUFGUSS-WM is an interest group of various sauna companies whose main role is to organise and keep developing the international Aufguss championships at a high level for worldwide audience. The aim is not only to organise world sauna events but also to set the standard in the field of sauna relaxation and sauna rituals. The most emphasised aspect is the original intention of Aufguss – the health benefit and stressing of each “sauna session” that cannot get lost in Aufguss Shows and are supported by the “factor of entertainment”, i.e. the theme and the story of each ritual. AUFGUSS-WM stands for a “sauna festival with friends” and was established by Italy, the Netherlands, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland in South Tirol on 13th January 2014.