
  • Bazén s vlnobitím - Stan zábavy (B20)
  • Relaxačný bazén - bar Cosmopolitan (BT4)
  • Relaxačný bazén - termálny (BT5)
  • Detský bazén - Stan zábavy (B19)
  • Fontána (B15)
  • Relaxačný bazén - číry (B16)
  • Relaxačný bazén - čaša (BT6)
  • Rekreačný bazén - termálny (BT7)
  • Rekreačný bazén (B14)


  • Zelený tobogan
  • Modrý tobogan 1 - vnútorný
  • Modrý tobogan 2 - vnútorný
  • Čierny tobogan
  • Strieborný tobogan
  • Červený tobogan - vnútorný
  • Žltý tobogan - vnútorný
13 / 13 7 / 7

Discover 4 elements of Bešeňová

Join a unique event in our water park to enjoy experiential night sauna relaxation combined with quality gastronomy.

Visit the water park on Saturday, May 13, for the 2nd year of a unique event, where experiential saunas are combined with quality gastronomy.

Pripravili sme pre vás druhý ročník Food & Sauna show, v ktorom sa spája kvalitná gastronómia a zážitkové saunovanie. Kombinácia plná vôní, chutí a precízne pripravených jedál spoločne so saunovými a peelingovými rituálmi vytvárajú jedinečnú nočnú šou, na akú určite nie ste zvyknutí.
Jej výnimočnosť znásobuje aj prítomnosť šéfkuchára Dávida FIlického ktorý si pre návštevníkov pripravil špeciálne menu. Všetko sa nesie v duchu 4 živlov.
Tieto živly tak budete môcť ochutnať a navyše si užiť tematické saunovanie, pri ktorom domáci aj zahraniční saunamasteri predvedú svoje umenie.

4 elements of Bešeňová

Don’t miss your chance - ticket availability is limited. Secure your spot today and enjoy an unforgettable experience!


Night of sauna rituals At ticket offices Online  on
Ticket 95 € 85 € buy online⇒  

Ticket for hotel guests
staying at: Bešeňová***,
Galeria Thermal****,


75 €


* Due to the limited capacity of the event, we recommend purchasing advance entry through Gopass. On-site sales are not guaranteed.



  • a welcome drink and delicious refreshment
  • a 4-course tasting menu of four elements made by Chef Dávid Filický
  • sauna and peeling rituals based on water, earth, air and fire
  • surprise of the evening – a special guest

Sauna rules during sauna rituals:

  • Date of event is 13.5.2023
  • Entry to the event is possible at 8:45 p.m. through the main entrance of the water park.
  • The program starts at 9:00 p.m. in the Atrium Pool Hall and will take approximately 4 hours.
  • Nights of sauna rituals are available only for adults over 18 years (who have to prove their age if asked at the ticket office).
  • Taking pictures and making any other visual or audio recordings inside the sauna world area is strictly forbidden. 
  • Men and women have to use intimate zones (showers, toilets) during the nights of sauna rituals. 
  • Besides the above mentioned rules, clients are obliged to respect the Park rules of Bešeňová and rules of the Harmonia Wellness & Spa centre of Bešeňová.
  • All rituals are limited by the capacity of individual saunas. 

Book a stay in our hotels and enjoy the 4 elements of Bešeňová to the maximum

Current information and restrictions can be found here.